(409) 838-3946
Residential Treatment for Adult Females
referred by TDCJ
For More Information on the Prison Rape Elimination Act, click the link.
The Melton Center is a 65-bed facility for women, participating in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) program.
This program is designed to enhance the physical, spiritual, social, and emotional needs of women transitioning back into society from prison free from alcohol or drugs. These clients are referred and placed at the facility by TDCJ, the court system, or their parole/probation officer. Throughout this program, women learn how to manage recovery and everyday life, and continue to get the specialized substance abuse treatment services that will enhance motivation for recovery.
Group &
Individual Sessions
Employment Referrals & Job Skills
Family Group
& Counseling

Warrie Guillory
Program Director
Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
1765 Washington Blvd. - Beaumont, Texas 77705
(409) 835-2662
The Melton Center