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Day 1:         

Upon request, a call has been made to notify your loved ones that your admission is ongoing and that you have arrived safely at the facility.  During this time, you will have many questions, and a member of the SouthPointe team will work directly with you to provide answers.  


Upon arrival, you will be asked to submit your belongings and yourself for a search to ensure no contraband, alcohol or drugs are present. We understand this can be invasive, and we will work to make the process as comfortable as possible.  This search, however, is mandatory and helps SouthPointe ensure the facility remains free from illicit materials.  A full explanation of the search process and the return of your items will be given to you by a team member and addressed during the intake video.  


You will be asked to provide information for your medical record file, including some personal information that will help us in developing a treatment plan. We understand this information is personal, we also can assure you the questions are necessary to gain a full understanding of how best to proceed.  Please, be as thorough and honest as possible, as it will help to expedite our ability to provide care.  


After the completion of your search, your intake, and your initial meeting with a SouthPointe team member, you will be given a tour of the facility, assigned your personal space, and bed, and be introduced to as many of the treatment team members as possible.  We understand this is day one, and we will work with you to make entry to the SouthPointe program as comfortable as possible.  Depending upon the time of your admission, you may be asked to join a group already in session.  



Week 1:        

This is an adjustment period and requires a “black-out” phase of 7 days.  During this time, you are not permitted to make phone calls, or have access to your phone without clinical supervision.  The SouthPointe team will assist you with making necessary calls or arrangements to accommodate you time with us. 


The goal during this 7-day period is to get you focused on the journey ahead.  You will work with the team to develop an individualized master treatment plan.  This plan will guide your entire experience and care at SouthPointe.  You will be seen by your treatment team at least once for individual sessions, and you will be more involved with your peers and recovery advocates as well.  During this week you will begin to work in depth to clarify and expand upon those issues identified during your intake and assessments.  


Week 2:        

Some of the real work will begin here, after you’ve had at least a week to adjust to the program and become more comfortable with your treatment team.  You have begun to establish achievable, sustainable goals and you will begin taking steps towards them.  It is extremely important, that here at week two and continuing throughout your journey with SouthPointe, that you openly communicate with the team.  Your treatment providers will also begin introducing various resources that will assist you in your journey to recovery and wellness.  You will also be given opportunity to share more openly with your peers, please use this time wisely.  Remember, not only does the sharing promote healing, but your story is also able to help others in the program.  


Week 3-4:    

First, pause for a moment at this point, it is not uncommon for anxiety to increase during this stage of care. You are setting into new frontiers of your recovery and wellness, and you are gaining valuable insights into behaviors, emotions, and other aspects of your recovering self. At times, this period of transition will require courage to push through and fight negative thoughts.  The SouthPointe team will be here to help, and you are not alone in the process.  You may have also realized you can engage with your peers for additional support.   You and your treatment team will be working in more depth and detail towards the achievement of goals set out in your treatment plan.  You will find hands-on opportunity to apply the tools you are learning.  Your homework assignments will be more specifically geared towards your individual situations and progress.  You will begin to discuss the next phases of your care and if an extension to your initial 6-week stay is necessary, or beneficial.


During this time, you should be able to identify the following: 


  • Definitions, terms, and diagnosis related to your admission 

  • Alcohol and/or drug education specific to your admission

  • Recognition of triggers, stressors, and cravings

  • Relapse mode predictors 

  • Health coping skills 


During this phase of your care, you will have clearly identified your placement on the health scale, to include Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Family health.  You will have established a baseline and a goal and be working towards the improvement necessary.  


Week 5-7:    

For many, week 5 is a transition period between an intensive and supportive level of care.  During this time, and with the approval of your treatment team, you may begin working on issues beyond substance use disorder care – such as resume writing, job searching, and seeking employment.  These activities should be done in strict alignment with your treatment plan – this is not the time to go it alone!  You will also maintain your treatment schedule, however, during this phase you will be excused from groups or sessions to pursue other established treatment goals.  However, if you are not working on other tasks as discussed with your treatment team, you will be required to attend group – even if it exceeds the required hours you must have.  Clients who are currently enrolled at SouthPointe – regardless of the level of care, are required to attend all scheduled groups and sessions when possible. 


Week 7-13: 

If you have been assessed to benefit from additional time, this phase of your care will intensify your focus on wellness and recovery.


You have already made progress, so take a moment to reflect on the improvements since your first day at SouthPointe. By now, you have made some progress on the health scale, and you can begin to clearly identify how to maintain that progress both during the remainder of your treatment and after you have successfully completed.  This phase of care will also allow for additional work to be done in areas outside of substance abuse or addiction.  Family, educational, and work-related concerns can be more thoroughly addressed and considered.  It is highly recommended, that if you have not already done so, family members or loved ones are included in part of your recovery and wellness treatment.  


We expect, as you should, that you will find newfound respect for the wholesale lifestyle change being made.  You will also find yourself more able to mentor those newly entering the program and give vital support to their early days of recovery.  This, along with other aspects of your care, are vital to your journey.  This time also allows for deeper, more meaningful therapies that will help reinforce positive behaviors and resolve long-standing negative habits or experiences.  While this period of care can be more comfortable given your time with SouthPointe, it does have the ability to create anxiety – especially when working intensely with our therapeutic team.  Give yourself permission to acknowledge this, address your concerns honestly and understand you will move past any apprehension just as you have thus far.  


Week 14+:   

If you are assessed and eligible for an extended stay, this is a great opportunity!  In addition to reinforcement of the previous weeks of care, you will truly have an opportunity to practice recovery daily.  You will be engaged in your own progress and be able to mentor other clients in their recovery journey.  


This phase of treatment will also allow for additional privileges, including passes from the facility to engage in healthy activities, which could include family time, job searching or enrollment in higher education.   Our team can assist you with these endeavors as well as help connect you to existing client’s services for housing or other forms of assistance.  

© 2024 by Land Manor, Inc.

Land Manor Wellness Centers is a proud community partner in fighting drug and alcohol abuse, operating in Jefferson County, Texas since 1969.  We are grateful for your support and contributions which are tax deductible.

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